PHAIDRA is the repository for the permanent secure storage of digital assets at the University of Vienna

Featured collections


Open Access Collection

PHAIDRA supports the Open Access Policy of the University of Vienna. The Open Access Collection contains freely available texts, pictures, videos and audio files.

Lehren und Lernen leicht gemacht

Erkunden Sie Open Educational Resources (OER) von Lehrenden der Universität Wien und bereichern Sie Ihre Lehre mit frei nutzbaren und wiederverwendbaren Lehr/Lernmaterialien, die sich analog zu offenen Praktiken in der Forschung etablieren.


The u:scholar Collection of Phaidra includes scientific publications by researchers of the University of Vienna that are freely accessible worldwide.
Objekte des Monats

Collections of the University of Vienna: Objects of the Month

In this collection, all objects from the collections of the University of Vienna that have been presented online by the Vienna University Library as "Object of the Month" since 2008 can be accessed, sorted by subject area.
Axum Projekt

Axum Project

Numismatic image database to complement the book edition of "Münzgeschichte der Akßumitenkönige in der Spätantike", Vienna 2020, with images of 1501 Axumite gold coins of the Ethiopian empire Axum that could be registered in this work.
Kurt Gödel’s Legacy

International Conference »Kurt Gödel’s Legacy«

Collection of 14 videos of the 2019 Kurt Gödel Society event held at the University of Vienna, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the decisive experimental confirmation of the theory of general relativity with a conference in honor of Gödel. This event brought together prominent researchers from the fields of physics, mathematics, philosophy, and artificial intelligence.

The Danube Trade

The long-term project provides key sources on the early modern history of trade of the Austrian Danube lands and their neighbouring regions via online databases.


Virtual Archive of Logical Empiricism is an archive and edition management tool designed as a platform for the history of Logical Empiricism and related currents. The first version of VALEP went online in 2020. Since summer 2022 VALEP mirrors its data in Phaidra.
Erlesenes Erforschen

Erlesenes Erforschen

The University Library presents video recordings of book presentations with panel discussions by scientists of the University of Vienna, across all disciplines.
Research Data Management

Research Data Management in Austria

The webinar series is aimed at researchers and/or research support staff and serves as a networking and exchange platform on the topic of research data management, writing a data management plan, and similar related topics. In Phaidra, all slides and video recordings of the series are combined in one collection.
libri liberorum

libri liberorum

Zeitschrift der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung
Die Fachzeitschrift hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Ansätze zur Erforschung dieses Literaturzweiges an verschiedenen österreichischen Hochschul-Instituten und Pädagogischen Hochschulen zu vernetzen und dient auch als Basis für die Kommunikation mit ähnlichen Institutionen im In- und Ausland insbesondere im Rahmen der Europäischen Union.

E-Books on Demand

This collection includes books digitized by the Vienna University Library as part of the eBooks on Demand (EOD) service.

Dialoge Publizistik: Kommunikationswissenschaft audiovisuell

Ein audiovisuelles Projekt von Dr. Roland Burkart und Dr. Manfred Bobrowsky am Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft der Universität Wien.

DMP Use Case Project

This collection contains a vetted white list of 839 publicly accessible Data Management Plans (DMPs) from the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. The analysis of such DMPs can help to identify good practices but also common challenges for researchers.
The Ethnographic Data Archive

The Ethnographic Data Archive

The Ethnographic Data Archive (eda) provides an infrastructure for permanently archiving ethnographic and other kinds of qualitative research data. Using an adapted metadata set, it aims at taking care of the ethical and legal specificities of qualitative methodologies.

Sammlung „Jugendhalle“

Die Sammlung „Jugendhalle“ verfügt über 364 Titel Methoden- und Schulbücher aus der Habsburgermonarchie im Original. Daneben wurden der Sammlung 30 Werke unterschiedlicher Provenienz in Fotokopie hinzugefügt.

Botanische Wandtafeln

This collection presents the digitized botanical wallcharts and large prints from the collection of the former Botanical and Plant Physiology Institute of the University of Vienna.

Digital Library and Bibliography of Literature in Translation

An ever-expanding collection, the DLBT provides access to translated works of fiction and their reception documents.
Campus Medius

Campus Medius

Campus Medius explores and expands the possibilities of digital cartography in cultural and media studies. The project, headed by Simon Ganahl, is developing from a historical case study to a mapping platform.
Alter Universitatsplatz Wien

Digital Collections of the Vienna University Archive

The archive of the University of Vienna is constantly digitizing special pieces from its collections. Learn more about the Digital Archive on the website of the Vienna University Archive.
Elise Richter

Autobiographien von Forscherinnen

In einem Masterseminar, das am Institut für Bildungswissenschaft der Universität Wien gehalten wurde, haben Studierende biographische Interviews mit Forscherinnen durchgeführt.
Oral History

Oral History

As part of a regular course, Dr. Ing. Manfred Bobrowsky carried out a video project between 1988 and 1996, which was intended to give young people "close contact" with their own history.

Franz Ferdinand's journey around the world

A collection of 147 photographs created by Ludwig Lorenz of Liburnau to document the world tour of the Austrian Archduke in the years 1892/93.

The Historical Physics Collection

Here you can find several hundred beautiful objects of this collection. The showpieces are assigned to mechanics, heat, acoustics, optics and electricity.

Digital Research Archive for Byzantium

The Digital Research Archive for Byzantium is a visual resource database devoted to the cultural legacy of Byzantium.


The map assets of the Geography and Regional Research Library of University of Vienna date back to the founding period of the Department of Geography at the University of Vienna in 1851.

Digitized assets of the Austrian Central Library for Physics

This collection contains multimedia material (videos, audio recordings, etc.) available at the Austrian Central Library for Physics as well as digitized legacies and special collections.

650 years of University of Vienna

The University of Vienna celebrated its 650th anniversary in 2015 with numerous events.

The archive of the Institute of Astrophysics

Digital archive of the Institute of Astrophysics contains ca. 20,000 digitized objects, including photographic slides, documents and plans from time of construction of the observatory on the Türkenschanze, manuscripts or collection of historical books.

e-Infrastructures Austria

The project e-Infrastructures Austria was initiated in 2014 by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy in order to promote the coordinated development of repository infrastructure throughout Austria.

Kurt and Ursula Schubert online Archive

This collection provides access to the academic working documents left by the two scholars: manuscripts for their lectures at the Institute for Jewish Studies, conferences and notes for research.


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